Monday, December 22, 2008

Posterous just got better than ever

Seems like our favourite blogging platform got a face lift (in the 'Manage' section) and a few cool features too!

Techcrunch has already blogged about the new features and there seems to be a lot of tweets I can see on twitter regarding the changes.

A glance at the Manage section quickly tells me the number of subscribers to my posterous, the number of posts as well as the total number of site views.

Apart from the facelift to the Manage section, the most important and significant development is the ability to allow your friends (read multiple authors) as editors of your blog!

Apart from this, posterous now also allows you to register multiple blogs using the same account. This is one feature I've been long waiting for. Great going guys :-)

Posted via web from nischal's posterous

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