Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Find ur school pics

I couldn't believe it, check it out. This website is amazing. Wonderhow they do it.

They actually have photographs of almost every School in the World. Unless youwent to School when cameras weren't invented, you will find a photo of yourselfor at least your classmates.

Click on the link below or type it into your search line.


Posted by email from nischal's posterous

Monday, September 29, 2008

Management Lesson!

Small story on management lesson

A new vacuum cleaner salesman knocked at the door on the first house of the street. A tall lady answered the door.

Before she could speak, the enthusiastic salesman barged into the living room and opened a big black plastic bag and poured all the cow droppings onto the carpet.
"Madam, if I could not clean this up with the use of this new powerful Vacuum cleaner, I will EAT all this dung!" exclaimed the eager salesman.
"Do you need chilly sauce or ketchup with that" asked the lady.
The bewildered salesman asked, "Why, madam?"

"There's no electricity in the house..." said the lady.

 MORAL: Gather all requirements and resources before working on any project and committing to the client...!!!

Posted by email from nischal's posterous

Posh Hotel, Posh Food!

A guest in a posh hotel comes down to breakfast and called over the headwaiter and read from the menu "I'd like one under cooked egg so that it'srunning, and one over cooked egg that it's tough and hard to eat. I'd also likegrilled bacon which is a bit on the cold side, burnt toast, butter straightfrom the freezer so that it's impossible to spread, and a pot of very weak,lukewarm coffee." that's a complicated order sir, said the bewilderedwaiter. "It might be quite difficult." The guest repliedsarcastically, "It can't be that difficult because that's exactly what youbrought me yesterday!"

Posted by email from nischal's posterous